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Katherine Longhi

Evolutionary Entrepreneur, Author, Performer

I am committed to unleashing the greatest and most under-utilised resource this world has ever seen - GIRLPOWER! 


It’s time for women to take their rightful place working in collaboration with men to transform humanity, raise the human level of consciousness, and evolve to a higher species.


"Live large. Don’t live by the constraints of the past, your culture, your fears. We are in a historical moment where our generation is going to determine the future of the human race." - Jim Garrison

My vision


Transformation of humanity through the aligned power of evolving women.


About me

I'm empowering organisations to unlock the power of their feminine leadership through transformational conversations. I am the Director of Communication at GIFEW and an international diversity and inclusion specialist. 


When I graduated from women’s college Barnard College, Columbia University in 2002, I though the concept of single-sex education for women was redundant.


I was raised to believe that I could do anything and be anything that I wanted to be.  However, as I grew my career spending over 15 years working in human resources, business and entrepreneurship, I realised the rest of the world was not aligned with me. 


Women’s leadership is needed now more than ever in families, communities, at work, and in society.


As part of this expression, I am the GIFEW Impact Platform on Conscious Business leader.


My purpose in life is to create a vortex leading and healing the feminine and I fulfil on that through leading transformational conversations and education.  

“I can see as clear as daylight that the hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a higher evolution.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Sisterhood 

My life truly began when I met Bea Benkova in 2014.  Before I met Bea, I lived what I would describe as a hamster wheel life.  I was running running running, going no where, completely exhausted, and wondering “what’s the point of life?”  Bea became my mentor, coach, and guiding light and connected me with my purpose, talents, and passions  In 2015,

Bea’s sister Tinka became the guardian of my soul and self-expression. 

Tinka grounds me and my creations in reality and I can always count on her for rhythm, timing, and fashion advice. (Like my red jumpsuit?  Picked out by Tinka.)  In 2016, the Benkova sisters adopted me as one of their own sisters when I joined the GIFEW team. 

Now together we grow a global sisterhood of evolutionary women transforming humanity. 


Our sisterhood is stronger than any blood bond could be.




“We’re not sisters by birth, but we knew it from the start;

fate brought us together to be sisters by heart.” - anonymous

GIFEW was at first Bea’s vision and creation and since we’ve known each other, it has become my life’s mission. At GIFEW our mission is to transform the world through the aligned power of evolving women.  How do we do that? 
It starts by facilitating multi sensory transformational education for women change makers and the process evolves by growing and nurturing the transformational field - the Constellation of Evolving Women.  
Once a women is clear on her purpose, passion, and talents, she “clicks” into her rightful place in the Constellation aligned with other women by geography and the societal sector that she wants to make a difference in. 
At GIFEW, we provide the education and hold the space for women change makers to transform the world.  Together we are creating the world we want for future generations.

“I can see as clear as daylight that the hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a higher evolution.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

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We are living in a time like no other.  For humanity to transform to its next stage of evolution, we require the divine feminine working in partnership with the divine masculine.  In 2009, the Dalai Lama astounded the world by declaring that “The world will be saved by the western woman.”  Since then, a lot of people like me agree with him.
Furthermore there is a Cherokee prophecy which reveals that there will be a time when the Bird of Humanity realises it has been flying with just one wing. The male wing getting almost violent trying to keep humanity afloat. But when the other wing, the female wing, expresses itself, the male wing can relax and the Bird of Humanity will soar. 
Why Women

The time has come for a quantum leap in evolutionary consciousness and I believe that women have a fundamental role to play in this.

Work with me

Are you a woman in leadership, a diversity and inclusion specialist, or a business person who cares about results? 


Do you see women’s leadership as critical for fulfilling on what’s important to you, your business, and the world? 

I can help you unlock the power of your feminine leadership (yes men I’m talking to you too!) 


I facilitate transformational conversations and education to do just that.  Get in touch below and let’s talk!

Work with Me
Our time is now. 


Katherine Longhi


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© 2020 by Katherine Longhi

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